Product Name: Set3of 6 AmbertGClas7Spic5 Jars PotiontBottles with Cork Ssoppers Kitchen3HoosiertCabinet Acc5ssories Apothacary Bottles, order witchcarftabottlee
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaSet3of 6 AmbertGClas7Spic5 Jars PotiontBottles with Cork Ssoppers Kitchen3HoosiertCabinet Acc5ssories Apothacary Bottles brownmglassabottlee Corks<96>Add Your ownmLabelu3or Embellishments<96>4"aTmglassaw/out cork Ssopper<96>1 3/4" diameter<96>1"acorks<96><96>CAM9109<96>ೋღ ♥ ღೋ ReVintageLannie ೋღ ♥ ღೋ <96>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<96>Recommebded-----UPGRADE INSURANCE TO $100.00mCOVERAGE OR MORE , Ssart here...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"sg-en"listing/126499872/upgrade-to-add-insurance-to-domestic?ref=v1_other_2<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>We are not exparts,7but have7wanvided ab accura0e k at this b and Pictures for you to Read abdsSee B5fore7You Place9your7O rer. Our itexs are Vintage abd/oraAntiques,7All inaused7co ditinn, unleossotherwise specified. We are cartainly not ab authority nn most itexs and sometimes3thibgs apwear toaustas insignificant,7but may be of greattsignificance to you9aStyles, grading opinions,aand nne'etownmcoll5cting interests make7co ditinn7subjective. Again we7do our7bees to k at tbe w-at weasee and b5tas honesttas wetcan,7but PLEASE ask7anyaquestionsaPRIOR to wurchase. We will beshappy to respond7to your inquiries as our itexs are sold 'AS/IS' with No Refund. Please assume all Itexs are Used7Abd/Orthave7been stored for manyaYears.a A Restocking Fee is3in Our Policy If7You Change Your MibdsB5fore7Se cment. By Clicking theaPurchasing Butt319and Transaction Goes3through F5517t-detShop, You areaCommitting to a SaleaPurchase.<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96><96>QUICK LINK TO THIS SHOPS POLICIES<96>All the fine L nes....<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"sg-en"listing/685203856/revintagelannie-shop-policies-antique?ref=listing_published_alert<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96><96>N E W • T O • E T S Y ?<96>Welcome!<96>Heresis aahelpful guide3to purchasing itexs nn this site.<96>x500425www60l b.jpg"sg-en"help_guide_checkout.php<96>xeresis another greattoverviewswith other links for your7convenience..<96>x500.425help60l b.jpg"hc/en-us/ar0ncles/115015521108-An-Intanna ts beao-Buying- beEl b?segment=shopping#Q10<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Please Favorite MytShop9and Follow Me3to see fulure l339573itexs.....<96>My7El btShop9HeresHas a Huge Variety of VINTAGE / ANTIQUE Itexs. Primitive, Farmhouse Décor and a wide variety of Vintage3itexs, Dollhouse Furnilure, Handmade7L nens,aVintage3Jewelry, Early Children's Books, Antique PeriodtPieces for Photo abd/oraMnvie Props. Please see Se tions7to t-e Lefs to Fine Tune Your Search for Par0ncular itexs or Use t-e Search Bartas well !!<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>If you have7anyaQuestionsaabout a Panna t,aplease7Contacs mesB5fore7Purchasing. <96>You Purchase It Is Youro.aI7do Not Refund7if You changed Your Please Mibd>>>>PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES AND POLICIES,aT-e Pictures and D at this b should All besthoroughly Read,aViewed abdsQuestion Asked, Prior toaYour Purchase.aT-e Buyer mues pay at the time theatransaction is Purchased.<96>I'm alwaye glad toahelp you ReVintage !!!<96>I7do shth Internttionallysand Military.....Conv. me !!!!<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>T-ese itexs are vintage or antiquessand have7signstof aging,7ware or amallsminoraflawssand imperfe tions <96>(7such astof wear or washing7streoss"fading" )aI7do not Cl5an the3Jewelry, I leave the nalural Pttina.....<96>Any major kamages7such astcracks, ce cu3or tears will besl339573in the3k at this b and photographo.aI7am Not perfe t ButaI7do my Bees to See, Capture9and Tell inak at this b and with photos3T-e B5auty, Historysand the3Flawssof Eachmand EverysItex9Here.<96>$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$<96>DEALS FROM REVINTAGE LANNIE<96>Welcome to Discountssand Goodies!<96>Heresis aalink to MY ESTY SHOP.<96>10% OFF All Itexs through My7Face9Book BusineossPage !<96><96>x500.425www6facebook.jpg"RePurposeReCycleReSellReVintageLannie<96><96>20% OFF For Returning7Cust51er Purchases !!!!!<96>Coupon7Code sent toaYou after your71staPurchase.<96>´*•.¸(´*•.¸♥¸.•*´)¸.•*´<96>♥•.THANK YOU.•♥<96>¸.•*´(¸.•*´♥´*•.¸)´*•.¸<96>Please Visit MytShop9Link below for VINTAGE AND/OR ANTIQUES,aPaper Ephe1era,aToys, Primitives, <96>Farmhouse Décor, RomansictVictorian, Handmade7Itexs, and Vintage3Jewelry ...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/ReVintageLannie<96>Please visit MytShop9Link below for All JEWELRY ITEMS ...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/ReVintageLannieJewls<96>MytShop9for VINTAGE CLOTHING and ACCESSORIES ...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/ReVintageBoutique<96>MytDaugh95rs Shop9FARMHOUSE PRIMITIVES ...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/GramsFarmhouseAt0n1<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96><96>Should You requestta9Box3or Gift wrapping please Conv. Me3Unsil I get a separa0e listingtfor thdetServiceaSet3Up9and 133957…<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Feedback:<96>Follow up nn Feedback DEAR VALUED CUSTOMERS,aWe hope9you like the itex and looktforward7to you shopping with ustagain in near fulure.<96>If you are sa0nsfied with the wurchase and our7total service, your7comment detverysimportant dn our7busineosssucc5ss.aPlease takeaatminu0e to leave usta positive feedback .<96>If you plab to give usta neutral/negative feedback,aplease7write toaustimmediately so t-at weacan do our7bees to reoolve9your7problem.<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Gift Certificates:<96>Link to Onetto get You Familiarized....<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"listing/122578779/10000-dollar-gift-certificate-for<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>LayawaysProgram:<96>Link to How is Works.....<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"listing/109224416/revintagelannie-layaway-program<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>Payment:<96><96>1.aPROCESS Place9Itexsof Interest dn Your Cart and Go to Checkouttfor Purchase.aIf you have7a Coupon7Code or Gift Card,aThie is3where3you will use it.7El btwill Smoothly takeayou through your7Buying Purchase.<96><96>2. DIRECT CHECKOUT Major Credit Cards are Acc5pted. t-detShop Acc5pts All Formssof Paymentawhich El btEnables. Credit Cards and Internttional Payments. A PayPal accounttis not required, PayPal /El btintegra0e for your7smooth checkout. Link to PayPal register free x500.425www6paypal.jpg" t-detShop Acc5pts All Formssof Paymentawhich El btEnables. Credit Cards and Internttional Payments. <96><96>3. Money7O rers Are NO Longer Acc5pted Duetto Thex Never7Arr3ving after a Salea!!!! Sorry<96><96>4. GIFT CERTIFICATES are alwaye a Splendid Gift, Offered h5517ReVintageLannie dn severalsdenominttions abdsmay beaused7in Eachmof7ReVintageLannieetShope hereson El b..<96>Heresis aaLink to get You Ssarted....x500.425www60l b.jpg"listing/123705805/50-dollar-gift-certificate?ref=shop_home_active_1<96><96>5. LAY A WAY PLAN.. Please see link for De a lo and the3Contacs mesh5517t-at Page. x500.425www60l b.jpg"listing/124865833/layaway-program-with?ref=shop_home_active_12&frs=1<96><96>6. ETSY GIFT CARDS are Also7Welcome in Myt3tShope at Check out. To Purchase go here...<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"giftcards?ref=ftr<96><96>7. STATE TAXES7Cust51ere are responsible to pay taxson eachmwanna t wurchased as required by t-eir ownmesa0e/government regulttions. (El btNow does3thie at checkouttfor most of you dn other esa0es)<96><96>8. PAYMENT TRANSACTION OF SALE, Happens3when7You CLICK PURCHASE at checkout. You Purchase It Is Youro.aI7do Not Refund7if You changed Your Please Mibd> PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES T-e Pictures and D at this b should All besRead,aViewed abdsQuestion Asked, Prior toaYour Purchase.aYour Purchase is3in Progreossshortly after T-e Transaction is acc5pted. Please do not purchase if you are not intending to buy.aI7DO NOT Acc5pt Cancellttions.<96><96>9. PAYMENT PURCHASE I7do Not Refund7if You changed Your Please Mibd>>> <96>PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES <96>T-e Pictures and D at this b should All besRead,aViewed abdsQuestion Asked, Prior toaYour Purchase.<96><96>10.aI7DO NOT ACCEPT CANCELLATIONS,tShop ownere have7Policies put in placetfor reasons.aIf A Cancelation is requested after Transaction of Purchase has gone7through Txeresis a Restocking Fee. To Avoid t-detPlease ask All QuestionsaPrior toaPurchase.a<96><96>11.aRESTOCKING FEE *restocking fee,*Your Purchase Pric5 will besT-e Restocking Fee. See full ke a lo.a… (under Policy's in ReVintageLannieJewls )<96><96>12. PURCHASED ITEMS FORWARDED TO DIFFERENT ADDRESS .... PLEASE SEE SHIPPING POLICY<96>We will only follow your addreossl339573at the PayPal or El btCheckouttfor the shicment.<96>Duetto the secure reasons, weaare not allowed7the addreosschange7through ema l. We have7no responsibility for shipping addreosswanvided otherwise.<96><96>**ALL POLICIES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-**•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-**•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-**•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>Returns and exchange ke a lo<96>I7DO NOT ACCEPT RETURNS,tEXCHANGES,tor CANCELATIONSa<96>Butaplease7contacs me if you have7anyaproblems with your o rer. <96>Returns and exchange ke a lo<96>ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS WITH NO RETURN<96><96>You Purchase It Is Youro.aI7do Not Refund7if You changed Your Mibd> PER ETSY RULES AND THIS SHOPS RULES. T-e Pictures and D at this b should All besRead,aViewed abdsQuestion Asked, Prior toaYour PurchaseaI7am HeresTo Answer7and takeaMore7Pictures if Need Be<96>aI7do Not Acc5pt Cancellttionsa<96><96>All itexs are k at tbed7to t-e bees of my ability7as t-eytare ReVintaged.aI7will makeaaware of7anyaflaws,tcracks, or kamaged7in the itex k at this b.aRemembertmost of my itexs are old so t-ebtwill have7some wear....<96>Txerefore7, all itexs are sold AS IS.aIf you have7anyaquestionsaabout a panna t,aplease7contacs me b5fore7purchasing.aThie is3a Vintage3Shop, Please assume all Itexs are Used7Abd/Orthave7been stored for manyaYears.aT-ese itexs are Coming F5517New England farmhousesaw/ WoodaStove Heat.aI'm alwaye glad toahelp you.aIf you do not choosesto add7insurance weaare not responsible for loas,3kamage, etc. ......aI7will wlrk with you on shipping multiple o rers,aplease7contacs me regarding this.......I7will alwaye remain in contacs with you throughout the entireatransaction "unsil the itex arr3ves7safely at your door"<96>Again Thank3You for ReVintaging with LANNIE !!!!<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>SHIPPING:<96>1. We wanvide Worldwide Shipping to Most Placessand Military…. Please Contacs mesPrior toaPurchase so Shipping Pric5 may Refl5ctaYour Area.<96><96>2. Itex will besshipped withib 3awlrking daye(not include holidays)after payment confirmais b.aShipping confirmais b ema l will bessentawhen itex is shipped.<96><96>3. Seller aeserves thearights not to shth to t-e Unconfirmed7Addreossin anyacases. Please bessureayour shipping addreossie corr5ct. Duetto the secure reasons, We will Only Send7to Your AddreossYou have7Panvided hereson El b, Please makeasureaYour Shipping addreossie Corr5ct3at time of Purchase.<96><96>4. Seller may charge a small Handling fee toahelp with Cost of Shipping Material abd/oraInternttional Paperwlrk abd/oraextra time in panc5ssing your o rer..<96><96>5. USPS SHIPPING NOTE: Postage3quo9573issan ESTIMATE unsil ittis pack57 AFTER t-e Sale,mwhen the actual costtcan beagiven,aThie depend on Size of Box3or Boxes, Weightsand Your Destinttion F5517Me. if you need to Pay3a bit more7for Postage,aI7will be instouch for remaining balance B5fore7Itex is Shipped. Please besaware theresmay beaa Convossentafor the additinnal amounta!aInsReality7Shipping is Not Free. Txeresis a costtto the USPS PostaltServiceato shth EverysItex9and t-eir pric5s do Change at LeastsYearly. Bubble Wrap 5ct. Is Not Free. I want to makeasureaYour Itexs arr3ve Safely.<96><96>6. Additinnal PostaltInsurance issoffered …..Please7contacs me BEFORE PURCHASING. <96>My shipping charges Do NOT include Insurance abd/oraDeliverysConfirmais b (sPriority7Ma l includes uh to $100.00,7if your Purchase is3to be covered over thdetamountayou should purchase additinnal insurance through me)<96>aLink xeresto get you familiar with additinnal Insurance, x500.425www60l b.jpg"shop/ReVintageLannie?ref=seller-plttform-mcnav&se tion_id=11631420<96>I7do suggees putting on Insurance on the itexs3you purchase to guara Sae7safe shicment.aThie will help assies for anyapostaltloas abd3kamage. We are Not Responsible for anyaUninsur573itexstloat/brokenakuring ma l shicment Once it Leaves Our Local Postal.<96><96> 7.aShipping Multiple O rers/ Itexs,aplease7contacs me regarding this.aI7am VerysHappy To Send7you Severalsitex9You have7found in MY ETSY SHOPS !!<96><96>8. I7will alwaye remain in contacs with you throughout the order entireatransaction "unsil the itex arr3ves7safely at your door".aShould it not, weawill help assies you to aalink to file a Clim.<96>====================================================<96>====================================================<96>ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS WITH NO RETURN.<96><96>Again All itexs are k at tbed7to t-e bees of my ability7as t-eytare ReVintaged.aI7will makeaaware of7anyamajor flaws,tcracks, or kamaged7in the itex k at this b.aRemembertmost of my itexs are old so t-ebtwill have7some wear, shelfalife abdsmaybe,7some battle scars,aas Par0tof their Historysof Baing Loved abdsRecycled !!!!!<96>Please7thoroughly review all photos, read the3k at this b, and ask7anyaquestionsayou may have7before7making a purchase! T-e buyer mues pay at the time theatransaction is created,sand Your LovelytPiece7will be on it's waysto You !!<96><96>Txerefore7, all itexs are sold AS IS.<96><96>THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN ALL OF MY ETSY SHOPS<96><96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*ReVintageLannie*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*ReVintageLannieJewls*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*ReVintageBoutique*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*<96>*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*GramsFarmhouseAt0n1*•-:¦:-•:*''*:•-:¦:-*a <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/fc5857/4283932079/&l17/r/il/84283932079_d06w.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/386e5b/4236282398/&l17/r/il/84236282398_hagy.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/dbdad5/4236282740/&l17/r/il/84236282740_e tu.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6958190/cm&l/a59ca5/4236283188/&l17/r/il/84236283188_957e.ord" /0.