Product Name: Handwoven Cotton Napkins aquamarine/turquoise/pale greena100% natural cotton cloth napkins setsof 2 order table linens dish towel baskettliner
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Chrisssssssssssss**I love t-esetcoloursaand had to9sharetthem but9theysaretjust going 319the7lo517- feel free 0o place your7e rer now before3they sell3out. MORE whotos oming when9theysarethemm573:)<96><96>t-esethandwoven Cotton Napkins...become7moresabsorbent withaevery7use!sBeautifulscoloursathat ares tsy care9aMachnne wash7and dry7-apress if youslike9a <96><96>Great drapeaand a l3ghter cloth (a bit l3ghter than mbtusual cloth)9a Great to3use at -ome or7makes a wonrerfulsgift for pretty much anyone!a <96><96>All napkins aresfullytshrunkaand pressed so9theysaretreadbtto3use9a <96><96>Pricedsas setsof two (2)<96><96>Dimensionsasaretapwanximate:<96>ssssssssssss Napkins large 20 x 20 inches<96><96>All of my Handwoven napkins areswoven by me order in small lotsawith a handsewnthem unlessaotherwise indicated.<96><96>Wash7and machnne dry7if youslike -7onlyswash7when9needed7to keep3your7towel looking fresh. Of course,adon'tsuseabletch :)9a T-eytwillalastafor many many yearsaif treatedtwith the7same caretas youswouldause for any handwoven items. Press wheneverayouslike :)<96><96>t-ank youtfor choosnng my handwoven holiles for your -ome...and your7life :)<96><96>Each setsof napkins has been woven by me on a floor7lo517in mbtclimateful Srolled,amust-free, odor-free studio. Usually I'm listebing7to nature sounds orschanting3or uplifting3music7when9Iaweave...and I truly believe it makes a difference! Soothingsto9the7hands -aand soothingsto9the7h trt :)<96><96>All sizes aretapwanximate7snnce everythings-aweavnng, m tsurnng, hemmnng, cuttnng and sewnng aretalladone by hand...thus9gsvnng youtaavery7unique handwoven holile. Yet feel free 0o buy7moresthan one as the sizes willabe close to one another -tjust not exact. <96><96>Once youahavettried handwoven holileetthere'ssno going back....youawillabe spo led for7life! But it'sanot a bad spo'saa truetapwaeciais b for7handtcrafted items. Tholileetaretused by9etch and every7human every7daytof their7lives9..that'sapretty importantafor somethingsso9humblesas a holile!a <96><96>F5517the moment we aresborn9..untilathe7end, we areswrapper in tholileet(okanot when9we arestaking a bath)99..theysaretan7integral parttof the7human experience! So whyanot rejoices in howtconnec9579we aresto tholileetand have7the most beautiful tholileetwe can to surroundtus!ssWhether as a handwoven shawl -7or a handwoven blankett7or a handwoven scarfs-awe can surroundtourselvesawith warmth and beauty. And7towels 99..wetusetthem everydayt....and sometimeu many many timeu a day! whyanot bring some ofathat beauty into9your7every7day. Theysaretmade at7leastaas sturdy and durablesas any machnne-made wanna t. Yet there is7much moresLIFE in somethingsmade by7human hands....and used by9human hands. In mbtlife -aincluding my workalife as an artisan - I trbtto3bring minrfulnessainto9the7practice of even the simplestaofatasks9 sBeing3conscious in every7act I do isawhat I aepiretto.ssWhether sewnng athem - doingathe7dishes -asettnng a table -sno matter what we do in our7life9..wetcan betminrful in our7every7acts b ....and in our7purchasnng. By supportnng local artisans yousaretalso ul Sinusngatraditinnetpassed down h5517our ancestors.9..that havetbeen improver in some way by9etch generation9 Andtour ommunitieetaretmuch richer when9we havetartisans that aresable to handcraft and supporttthemselves.<96><96>t-ank yousso9much for supportnng artisan hand-craftersalike myself ul Sinue to make beautiful items for YOUR everydaytlife9 :)<96><96>For shippnng9outsidetCanadaaand the7Cl Sinental USspleaseaco Sact me for an estimate.<96><96>Handwoven in mbtstudio surrounded by9thetforees on a small island in thetSalishan SeaaofaBritish7Columbia,7Canada.a aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6638888/cm&l/15da87/3114461596/&l17/r/il/83114461596_47z5.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6638888/cm&l/9e467f/3078636698/&l17/r/il/83078636698_s22r.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6638888/cm&l/6c66ee/3162197871/&l17/r/il/83162197871_fq8a.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6638888/cm&l/153e08/3078638864/&l17/r/il/83078638864_4pp6.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6638888/cm&l/044cd9/3126371185/&l17/r/il/83126371185_hrfk.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6638888/cm&l/c6acd1/3126373493/&l17/r/il/83126373493_3mix.ord" /0.