Product Name: My order Little 34 Pony Lot G4 Collection!
34 My little ponies Brushable g4 ponies! Traveling singles Pinkie Pie with Hedgehog Wave 1. Wedding singles Rarity,Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie pie Wave 1 wedding singles Cherry berry and Sunny Rays Wave 2 Crystal Empire ponies Apple jack,Rainbow dash, Pinkie pie,Fluttershy,Rarity And Twilight sparkle Wave 1.Crystal Princess Masquerade single Wave 1 Rarity.Crystal Sparkle Bath Pinkie pie and Fluttershy playset.Princess Celebration Bakery Mrs.Cake order & Twisty Treats Playset. Wedding Flower Filles Apple Bloom Scootaloo and Sweetiebell Rainbowdash as Shadow Bolt Toys r us Exclusive.Zecora Toys r us exclusive.Explore Equestria Fluttershy Picnic Poseable Pony.Honey Rays Friendship Charm Wings Cutie Mark Magic.Brushable Bag Apple Jack. Canterlot Starbeam Twinkle Pink. Candace and Prince shinning Armour toys r us exclusives.Lily Bloosom Bag Pony.Rainbow Dash single. Unknown Pinkie pie,Rarity, 2 Fluttershys,and Lyra Heartstrings Brushable ponies! Comes with all there accessories :).